Types of People You Cannot Help

By Rachel Puryear

If there’s one good piece of advice in terms of getting along with others and getting on their best side, it’s to never make other people regret trying to help you.

Some people, though, don’t embrace that principle – they make it difficult to impossible for others to effectively help them, even if they might actually want or need some help. This is deeply frustrating for themselves, as well as those who would otherwise be willing to help.

It’s good to want to help others. However, helping resources and efforts are best directed towards people who will let themselves be helped, and work with you rather than against you.

With that in mind, here are types of people who are highly resistant to being helped, no matter how hard you might try:

One hand reaching up, another hand reaching down, and they cannot reach each other.

People Who Habitually Lie

You can’t help people who won’t even be honest with you.

Not only is that inherently one-sided to give of yourself when they won’t tell you the truth, but their likelihood of being dishonest about the situation they need help with likely means that your help won’t even be effective anyway.

People Who Don’t Want Help

You can’t help someone who’s fighting and resisting your efforts to do so.

Your efforts are better placed towards someone who wants your help, and who will cooperate with your valuable efforts.

People Who Won’t Do Anything to Help Themselves

Much like people who don’t want help, you can’t help someone who won’t put something into it for themselves, too.

Even if they’re unable to give much back because of their circumstances, they can at least cooperate with you – as opposed to constantly trying to undermine you.

People With a Chronic Victim Mindset

People who always think they’re the victim are extremely difficult to ever help. This is because they think things can’t get better, everyone is conspiring against them, and nothing will ever work out for them; so that they don’t even bother to try.

In order to make it possible to help them, they have to be able to see that things could be better. They also have to be willing to take a chance.

People Who Think They’re Above Everyone Else

People who look down on others and think their poop doesn’t even stink are pretty much impossible to help – because they think they don’t need any help, and that they’ve already got it all figured out.

They don’t see themselves as the problem, they only see others as the problem. Therefore, they’re unwilling to do the work to help themselves. They think that helping them means forcing everyone else around them to change, and bend to their will instead.

People Who Are Controlling

People who need to control everything, have everything on their terms only, and who don’t want to take direction from anyone else; are just about impossible to help.

In order to receive and benefit from help, one must be able to give up some control, and accept guidance and compromises with others. Controlling people don’t want to do this.

Besides, controlling people can be particularly aggravating while you’re trying in vain to help them, because they rarely show gratitude or appreciation for what others do for them – instead, they just complain about not everything being their way, and want to push other people around.

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3 responses to “Types of People You Cannot Help”

  1. Hello Rachel:

    Nathalie Martinek on Substack has some good resources which I discovered yesterday.

    Also there is: “I don’t empathise with why my child is feeling that way; I empathise with my child’s feeling”.

    And I never want to be that person for whom it is difficult to help.

    A lot of these people are subject to violence; abuse; neglect and exploitation [to quote a recent Royal Commission in my world].

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Adelaide, thanks for the tip re Nathalie Martinek, I’ll check her out.
    That’s true, behaviors like in this post are often the product of abuse and other dysfunction. Often, the people who need the most help are often the hardest to actually help, and that’s a hard reality.


  3. […] Empathic people, on the other hand, strive to be what they want to see more of in the world. They will help others when willing and able, but also expect that others do what it takes to make themselves helpable. They know that helping others is a joint effort. […]


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